4 Signs You Could Have Adrenal Fatigue

Adrenal Fatigue

Fatigue. Overwhelm. Anxiety. Exhaustion. Depression. These are some of the most common concerns we hear from smart, capable, proactive, otherwise healthy women (and men) in our practice. If you can relate to these awful experiences that steal your quality of life, your energy, motivation, even your personality!!…you’re not alone. Adrenal fatigue – basically a condition where your stress tolerance and stamina-producing system just can’t keep up, is extremely common in modern life. Having dealt with all of the above, it’s a real passion of mine to be able to help other high-achieving, heart-based women hear from their body’s innate wisdom so they can actually turn these symptoms around. If there are some tell-tale signs it’s time to ask your doctor … Read More

Restore Your Health & Wellbeing

Restore Heath, Recover From Fatigue, Regain Energy at Two Rivers Health

As a health professional, business owner, & sensitive woman wearing many hats (a.k.a. “crowns” as Cara Alwill Leyba suggests in one of my new fave books, Girl Code), it took some hustling hard times including crushing fatigue and flatlined mood before I realized I had not only permission, but a responsibility, to proactively Restore before doing more. For years, I’d worked my January to the max. New plans, new programs, new routines and plenty of hustle and muscle to make sure I met those resolutions. Plus plenty of anxiety and icky self-blame if I didn’t. Since experiencing burnout not one, but two Januarys in a row, and finally getting a handle on what led up to that frightening and depressing experience of losing … Read More